A student acting as a representative of a membei state or observer in a MMUN committee for a weekend.
The order and respect for others that all delegates at a MMUN conference must exhibit. The Chair will call for decorum when he or she feels that the committee is not being respectful of a speaker,of the dais ,or of their roles as ambassadors.
Delegation is a group of delegates representing the same UN Member State, an observer or an international organization in a Model UN conference. Delegation is also used to describe the delegates from the same participating group, e.g. the same high school or college.
A member of the dais that oversees that creatiion of working papers and draft resolutions,acts as an expert on the topic,makes sure delegates accurately reflect the policy of their countires ,and ensures that decorun is maintained during caucuses.
see also “crisis”.A paper passed by a MMUN committee in order to deal with certain crisis.
Division of the Questions
During voting bloc,delegates may motion to vote on certain clauses of a resolutin separtely,so that only the clauses that are passed become part of the final resolution.This is known as division of question.
Draft resolution
Written by the delegates, draft resolution is a form of document that seeks to solve the issues addressed by a MMUN committee. If passed by the committee, the draft resolution will become a resolution. Only one draft resolution will be passed for each topic in a committee.
Draft Directive
see also as "Directive","Crisis".A draft of a directive that requries a 2/3 majority vote of the committee to pass as a directive.
Faculty Advisor
The faculty member in charge of a MMUN team ,class or club.
Flow of debate
The order in which events proceed during a MMUN conference.